AlexUA, 2023 Summary


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Traditionally summing up the passing year. The main achievements and hopes of 2023, remote work, and plans for the next year.

Due to the ongoing war, there were no travels in 2023. The main wish for this year that we made at the end of the previous year did not come true. Accordingly, there will be nothing about travels in these summaries.

Both factually and geographically, this year can be divided into two equal parts. We spent half of the time at the dacha and the other half in Kyiv.

Despite not traveling, several things happened this year that we can be proud of and consider achievements.

Achievements of the Year – Work

Regarding the blog: this year, the LifeIsTravel site turned 10. Thanks to it, I work online and lead the lifestyle I like. I don’t need to go to work from 9 to 6, coordinate vacation with the boss, or ask for a salary raise. I regulate all these positions, including financial ones, independently.

Not every travel blog can stay afloat for 10 years and show growth in traffic and income.

About independent travels: if last year travel was significantly reduced, then in 2023, everything returned almost to the level of 2019. But this is a very broad topic, and here is just a dry statement of fact.

About the new website: this year, I did what I had long planned, but something always got in the way. I launched a version of the LifeIstravel site in Ukrainian and English. The site turned out cool and well-thought-out. In the new version, there is an optimized short menu, and the theme has become more diverse – it looks more like a magazine about life and travels, about what concerns me.

About US visas: another achievement of the year – we significantly advanced in visa consulting. I remind you that I have been advising on obtaining visas to the United States for 10 years. In 2023, the number of people we sent to America, traditionally measured in planes, was several hundred people. The approval rate for tourist visas to the United States reached up to 90%.

About the intangible but very important: this year, I received several hundred reviews and thanks for my work from people we helped get a US visa. I consider this the main achievement and result of the passing year.

I will write in detail about the results of work on American visas on my VisaHome website, which is entirely dedicated to obtaining visas to the United States.

About finances: this year, we paid a record amount of taxes to our country, which will definitely not be superfluous in the conditions of war.

Achievements of the Year – Daily Life

In daily life, just like in work, we practically went against the flow. We spend half of the time at the dacha, which is practically our second home. In the conditions of war, starting construction at the dacha seemed to make no sense, but we took the risk.

We slightly rebuilt the summer house before the war, and this summer we took and built a summer kitchen. Initially, something modest and small was planned, but, as often happens, everything did not go according to the initial plan. It turned out to be quite an impressive space for relaxation and work – with a kitchen, barbecue area, and a bar counter overlooking the garden.

In addition, we improved the space near the summer house and built a summer terrace nearby. Now there is more space for creativity and work at the dacha.

Plans for 2024

There are no plans for vacation next year.

Many plans for work, namely to expand visa services. In particular, we plan to deal with visas to the United Kingdom.

I plan to continue developing the blog and make it as informative and useful as possible.

Hopes for the Year

To the hope for the end of the war and peace in Ukraine, the hope for a speedy peace in Israel, where our friends live, has been added.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone. Peace and goodness to all!

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