Top 10 Countries Most Searched on Google

Ideas for travel and leisure — beautiful, incredibly interesting, warm, delicious food, and the best attractions. All of this can be found in the countries most frequently searched on...

Where to go to the sea in October — Top 10 destinations

The best destinations for a beach vacation in October — considering the weather, the absence of tourist crowds,...

How to Book Accommodation Abroad and Avoid Mistakes

Briefly about how and where to properly search and book hotels, apartments, or any other accommodation abroad or...

Three Countries with the Cleanest Beaches in Europe

Where are the best beaches in Europe? Where to go in summer without being disappointed, as often happens...

Top 5 Countries for Your First Trip

How to decide on your first independent trip abroad. Which country to choose to avoid problems, have a...

Travel options from Krakow to Warsaw

How to get from Krakow to Warsaw and other Polish cities? How much does it cost? What is the cheapest way, and which one...

Top 10 Booking Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Hotel, hostel, apartment - where you'll be staying during your travels in most cases, unless you're an avid backpacker who's used to not paying...

How to Rent a Car in Thailand: Personal Experience

Renting a car in Thailand, rental features, driving tips, and hacks. Renting a car in Thailand is not much different from renting one in Europe....

Slow Travel – A New Trend, and What’s It All About?

How to Travel in an Interesting Way? How to Enjoy Traveling, and Is It True That You Don't Need to Hurry? I've been hearing about...

Ukrainian Passport to Travel abroad in 2023: Where to Apply

Where can Ukrainian citizens apply for a new international passport? How much does the procedure cost, and how long does it take to obtain...

How to Save on Car Rental: Tips and Advice

Car rental is the tool that makes your journey truly enriching, giving you the opportunity to plan your route independently without relying on tour...